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Video Game : Crysis 3

Hello dear gamer. You like Crysis 3 too ? but your video card is old and this game needs some more power ? then maybe you need to speed up your HDD ?


In almost all cases, hard disk will slow down your gameplay if the hdd is highly fragmented and we recommend a entire defragment with this free tool !

But, for lazy users, we found a software that will defragment only the Crysis 3 folder , you need only to download this application from here .

Short Guide with how to improve Crysis 3

Step one , select Tools then select Defrag

Step two, select Crysis3.exe and press Defrag

That`s it !

This guide, also will decrease level loading times !

Note ! But do not forget to optimize your device first with all gaming tweaks !

  Game Booster Guide 

Also if you have a Notebook, then follow this guide

  Notebook Gaming Boost 

Crysis 3 - New Tweak for Nvidia and AMD users